Jamie (the volunteer from Canada) poses with Child. She is helping in the nursery with the little babies and filling in where needed. She's a real help and a blessing to the children and staff.
This girl is learning to walk this month.
The nursery has lots of babies and we enjoy seeing them all talk with each other throughout the day.
Funny face.
The super teapot performance.
Our visitor from Wisconsin visits the babies.
Child practices the auto-harp.
We have 2 new interns in our farmers training program. They are both from different orphanages and will be learning our technology to help others. Jimboy and Leo pose with our staff farmer BenJoe.
Growing tomatoes and bananas on the neighbor's lots. We have an opportunity to purchase permanent property below us.
Pineapple fruit is sweet when grown with proper moisture and compost.
Keith, Narcy and Archie pose on a good hair day...